Prestigi Hotels

Information regarding the situation of COVID-19

For us, the most important thing is your peace of mind during your holidays at Prestigi Hotels. We present a series of measures so that during your stay you only worry about enjoying rest and creating unforgettable moments with your loved ones.

We are already prepared for the reunion, ready to relive new #PrestigiMoments.

Safety and hygiene measures for COVID-19:

These measures will be applied based on the recommendations of the Government Ministry of Health and constitute an adaptable guide.

General safety:

- Our staff has received training in preventive measures for COVID-19 and will have the necessary protective equipment at all times.

- A daily control of the health of the workers will be carried out with a responsible declaration of not having been in contact during the last 15 days with any infected person.

- The capacity of common spaces, including elevators, will be reduced.

- The safety distance between the pool loungers and the solarium will be extended, at least 1.5 m for groups of family units.

- The environment and common use surfaces will be analyzed by a certified external company.

- Risk areas are marked with preventive advice posters.

- Hydroalcoholic gel dispensers have been installed in different spaces.


- Reduction of the number of tables and extension of the safety distance.

- The restaurant room will be continuously disinfected by the cleaning staff.

- The assortment of food in individual format in the buffets will be expanded.

- Fruits and vegetables will be previously disinfected with sanitary bleach and will be presented with a protective film in individual format.

- All kitchen and living room staff will work with gloves and masks, both those who are facing the customer, and those who are not.

- You will find the letters in QR code in our bars and cocktail bars. Laminated cards will also be available to be cleaned after each use. Drink cards will be sanitized for each new diner.

- In areas susceptible to queuing, the minimum clearances will be marked on the ground, so that everyone respects the safety distance.

- You will have single doses of oil, vinegar, salt and pepper on the tables.

- An exhaustive control and revision of the temperature of the dishwashing trains will be carried out.

Cleaning services:

- The laundry will certify and ensure the treatment of the clothes at more than 60 ° and with disinfectant products.

- Room cleaning will not be carried out while the client is inside it.

- Hand gloves will be disinfected with hydroalcoholic gel after each room cleaning.

- Disposable cloths will be used in each client's departure cleaning.

- The number of rooms for waiter / a will be reduced for a better execution of the cleaning and disinfection of the room.

- If the client requests it, sanitizing gel and masks will be provided as courtesy amenities.

- Disposable mops will be used for cleaning floors.

- Nebulizers have been incorporated to disinfect the rooms.

- An external approved company will certify that room cleaning is carried out in accordance with the Covid-19 prevention measures established by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.

- Capacity will be limited to one person in all the bathrooms in our facilities. And every 4 hours they will be reviewed with control of hours, zones and personnel who have carried out the task.

Wellness (spa, gym and treatments) :.

- Disinfection of machines after use.

- Treatments with gloves and a mask will be carried out. The cabin will be disinfected after each treatment.

- The courtesy fruit and beverage service is suspended.


- Signaling of the safety distance.

- Disinfectant gel will be available on each counter.

- Daily disinfection of all material delivered to the customer (room cards, etc.).

- Basic information on prevention and rules for the correct use of the facilities will be provided to all customers.

- Cleaning and disinfection of counters will be reinforced more frequently.

Technical services:

- All personnel will have the necessary protection and safety equipment.

- The repairs in the rooms will be carried out, as far as possible, without the presence of the client. If this is not possible, the safety distance of 1.5 m will be maintained at all times.

- All areas in which there is intervention will be disinfected.

- In the common areas, a work perimeter will be delimited to prevent customer access.

- The air in the common areas will be constantly renewed, at a temperature of 23 ° -26 °, and the filters will be cleaned daily.

- All external companies will adopt our protocols and enter

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